Taking a Gap Year

Maximize Experience - Minimize Debt

What do you want to be when you grow up?  This is one of the most common phrases a young person hears through out their early life.  For most people this changes many times up until their mid twenties, and perhaps beyond.  It is the few that know exactly what they want to do when they are five years old.  If you are like most people, you bounced around a bit before landing your career job.  While it is good to explore a variety of majors and career paths, it can also be extremely costly, and at the end, leave a student with significant debt.   And if you did complete your education in a timely and efficient manner, perhaps there are times you wish you had taken  time off and gone out and explored.  That is what a Gap Year is.  However it is more than that.  It is planned and is built around enhancing ones Post Secondary education as well a fulfilling dreams of travel, volunteering, learning in the real world or fulfilling altruistic ambitions.  Is a Gap Year for everyone?  No ---- However well planned Gap Years are becoming more common.  Chris Brown can help you plan that Gap Year in a timely and efficient manner so time and money are not wasted. For a clear definition of Gap Year and how it works with Post Secondary planning, please click here.  

Post Secondary Planning Power Point
Post Secondary Planning PP.pptx
Microsoft Power Point Presentation 3.4 MB

Statistics to Consider

•The average cost of tuition & fees for the 2016–2017 school year was:

$33,480 at private colleges (In Minnesota that cost is about $50,000)

$9,650 for state residents at public colleges

$24,930 for out-of-state residents attending public universities.*

•The average college graduate had $37,000 in debt.*

•Average monthly student loan payment is $351.*

•Only 19 percent of full-time students earn a bachelor’s degree in four years.**

•On average, college students change their major three times during their college career. (About 80 percent of US students change their major at least once.)**

One-third of college freshmen don't return to the same institution for a second year.***

 * College Board , ** National Center for Education Statistics-NCES,  *** American College Testing - ACT