In today's technology dominated world where we are constantly plugged into our devices and and screens it is easy to forget that our connection to the natural world and environment is far more important to recognize and be part of. While technology might give us information, nature provides life. as our climate is changing more rapidly due to human activity, it is becoming increasingly more important tune into our relationship with nature and our planet. Nature also allows us to slow down and reflect.
Chris has spent much of his life connecting with nature and incorporating it into his life, Whether it has been planting a garden, canoeing the Boundary Waters, hiking in Nepal, or camping in a sate park with his family, nature is where Chris finds his solace. He believes that all of us need to find our own connection to nature and use it to inform us and / or our teaching.
In this workshop Chris shares tales of places he has been, the challenges nature has provides and what he has learned the trees, animals and environments that sustain us. Participants will be asked to recall their own interactions in natural environments and how that has provided a sense of meaning and purpose in their own lives. They will conclude with strategies on how to learn from and use those experiences as they teach others.