Developing a Mentoring Program
Beyond the Walls education can assist your school in developing a teacher mentoring model that fits the needs and budget of your school. This is how it works.
1. A needs analysis is done based on the size of the school, number of new and novice staff, school schedule and number of highly qualified teachers, usually those with 7 or more years of experience. A mentoring program administrator is determined.
2. A program manual is created describing the mechanics of the program that includes:
3. Once the program is given structure based on the needs and resources of the school Mentors and Mentees are identified through the application process. The program participants are determined and matched by the administrator overseeing the mentoring program.
4. Mentor orientation and training session held.
5. End of the year debriefing and celebration with mentors and mentees
Beyond the Walls Education can develop your program to meet your needs, deliver training sessions and possibly secure grant funding for your program.