Curriculum Development

 A schools curriculum is more than just the lessons delivered.  It includes how they are delivered, when they are delivered, who they are delivered by and why they are taught in the first place.  Choices are made regarding what is taught and what is not.  Unfortunately all too often teachers do not make the lessons they are teaching relatable to the students.


Beyond the Walls Education (BWE) works with  your teachers, department chairs, students and  administrators developing  curriculum and lessons that are based on the following concepts:

  • Experiential and active learning based education
  • Project Based Learning 
  • Using nature as a classroom 
  • Cross curricular  connections
  • Effective integration of standards
  • Appropriate and effective assessment tools
  • Civics incorporated in  lesson
  • Community based service learning
  • Incorporating music and visual arts into subject areas
  • Embedding literacy and numeracy across the curriculum
  • Adapting lessons to meet the needs of students with special needs




"Tell me and I forget.  Show me and I remember.  Let me do and I understand."
